Monday, January 31, 2011

January Earnings

SurveyHead - $25.00
Mindfield - $12.00
Opinion Outpost - $7.00 Amazon gift code
Lightspeed - $5.00
Mechanical Turk - $5.00 Amazon gift code

Total for January - $54.00

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 Earnings

This was the year of tricky schedules and personal upheaval for me, so my survey earnings were too erratic to report on a monthly basis. In spite of that, I still earned enough to merit a year-end post.

Totals By Month
January - 0
February - $29.35
March - 0
April - 0
May - 0
June - $31.70
July - 0
August - $22.50
September - 0
October - $10.00
November - 0
December - $7.00

Totals By Website/Task
Survey Head - $54.35
Proofreading - $22.50
Opinion Outpost - $13.70
eJury - $10.00

Mean Earnings Per Month - $8.38

Total 2010 Earnings - $100.55