Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thrifty Charity

There are plenty of ways to be charitable online, even if you're on a tight budget. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. - This site lets you donate rice through the UN World Food Program by playing a multiple choice guessing game. The default game is vocabulary-based, but you can click "Change Subjects" at the top left and select other subjects like multiplication, world capitals, and chemical symbols. In a small way, this site allows you to improve yourself and improve the world at the same time.

2. The Breast Cancer Site - This site lets you click a button and earn money for free mammograms for women in need. The money is earned via ad revenue. There are other sections of the site devoted to other causes such as literacy, hunger, child health. After you click the donate button on any of the sites, you can scroll down and see a graph of how much charity had been earned for that day.

3. - This site allows you to make loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries. To quote the website's "About" section: "...You are helping a real person make great strides towards economic independence and improve life for themselves, their family, and their community."

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