Monday, December 8, 2008

Amazon Mechanical Turk

Amazon Mechanical Turk (named for a hoax chess-playing machine that was operated by a hidden chess master) is a site where you can do all sorts of small paid jobs, ranging from something as simple as putting word tags on an image or evaluating the relevance of search results to writing reviews or short articles. Some of the HIT's ("Human Intelligence Tasks") pay a cent or two each, and others pay up to several dollars.

I usually favor image-related HIT's, like sorting or tagging images. I also like doing short research surveys and evaluating search results. The site allows you to view a HIT and get a feel for the task before you decide whether or not to accept it. HIT's have timers, and some have short qualification tests as well. Mechanical Turk won't earn you as much as a GPT or survey site, but it's a neat change of pace for earning money online.

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