Friday, January 2, 2015

2014 Earnings

Totals by Month

January - $63.10
February - $21.50
March - 0
April - 0
May - $10.50
June - 0
July - 0
August - $10
September - $10
October - $45
November - $7.16
December - $10

Totals by Website

Opinion Outpost - $92
JDPowerPanel - $25
SurveyHead - $25
Delicious Rewards - $20
Mechanical Turk - $11.76
Datatelligence - $10
Brand Institute - $2

Mean Earnings Per Month - $15.48

Total Period Earnings - $185.76

It's been a busy and tumultuous year, but I managed to keep doing surveys here and there. I branched out and tried a code-based program called Delicious Rewards by Lean Cuisine. The earnings were slow but it definitely made me a more loyal customer while the program was in effect. It has now been discontinued, but I'm keeping an eye out for similar programs to try. If you notice any, let me know! I attempted My Perks by Purina, but theft of the codes (which are displayed on the outside of packaging) soured me to the program early, so I haven't done much with it. I tried a National Consumer Panel scanner, but found the process to be more trouble than it was worth.

I had a few good home product tests this year, including full-sized bottles of blind label shampoo (2 bottles) and conditioner (1 bottle), and a package of Hamburger Helper.

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