Tuesday, January 12, 2016

2015 Earnings

Totals by Month

January - $17
February - $22
March - $58.72
April - 0
May - 0
June - $17.65
July - $2
August - $7.72
September - $40.96
October - $18.32
November - 0
December - $10.35

Totals by Website

Mechanical Turk - $87.22
Opinion Outpost - $50.50
JDPowerPanel (now closed) - $50
Brand Institute - $7

Mean Earnings Per Month - $16.23

Total Period Earnings - $194.72

Here are the amounts that came through Paypal. The Perfect World refund was for a gaming purchase that got messed up, and the miniFAB refund was Paypal returning my money from a bad purchase experience I had with BabbleTees, a company you should AVOID at all costs.

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